1) How can i save 2d object in my own 2d library?
-very easy. Start new project. Draw some elements You want to save as GDL library part.
Go to ArchiCAD menu "File"-"Save special"-"ArchiCAD Object..."(such way in r7.2 I use).
Enter location&name of file You want to save.
2) I had created a 3d text and save in my own library. Can i make a 3d curve text too?
- You can do it in 2 ways:
1. Imagine You have to draw 3D curved text "Shop". Place just one letter using 3D text object from ArchiCAD library.
It would be "S" letter. Use Multiply (Rotate) command to multiply this letter 3 times.
Then change each next letter to "h", "o" and "p". Curver "Shop" will be generated.
2. Second way is mo simple - You could buy "Universal 3D Text" object on
www.objectsonline.com or
www.gdlstore.net (few weeks later - noe service there is not available). With this object You could
generate very complicated 3D text (curved, arc-shape, with changeable X-Y letter propotions, etc.)
3) How can i print out grid line in plotmaker?
- no way
4) Can i plug a 3d object from Archicad library to my own library. My own library is in C drive? Is that a proper way to do it?
- I'm not a lawyer but I think You are allowed to place library to any disk on your computer You want but not to sell this library to anyone else.
5) I don't have much knowledge in archicad software. Is there any toturials in video form to show us the basic step?
- on
www.objectsonline.com You could find some ArchiCAD manuals. But how usefull would they be - sorry I don't know - I've never used anyone of them.