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Glazing line for 2D symbol "where has it gone?"

Not applicable

Where has the glazing line gone from the 2d symbol for windows?

For example ArchCAD 8.1 "W Direct Glazed" use to show a glazing line in 2d symbol but version 9 (latest build 2045 INT and INT library) does not.

If I add the following lines of GDL script to the 2d script I can get something back in a detailed 2d view but I should not have to do this surely?

if gs_detlevel_2d=`Scale Sensitive` and A_<=U_ or gs_detlevel_2d=`Detailed` then
!! Glasing !!
if grill=`No Mullions` OR grill=`H-V Grid` AND grills=`Outside` OR grill=`H-V Grid` AND grills=`Inside` THEN
LINE2 -a/2+gs_frame_width, -gs_frame_thk/2-gs_glass_thk/2, a/2-gs_frame_width, -gs_frame_thk/2-gs_glass_thk/2
LINE2 -a/2+gs_frame_width, -gs_frame_thk/2+gs_glass_thk/2, a/2-gs_frame_width, -gs_frame_thk/2+gs_glass_thk/2

All I would like is a nice simple 2d view with a single line for glazing as well as frames, mullion, cill/window board with side overhangs and cavity closers but no sash detail as it is to much detail at 1:100