like almost of advanced archicad tutorials, it shows everything, without showing anything !
why they share a tutorial on how to create this parametric shape withour explaining at least the process of creating it,
they say ! we make lines on grasshopper, with some "special GDL objects " they are converted into archicad elements, etc..
did someone know how to achieve that with parametric workflow ? is there any special technqiues,
that's really sad !
to have such a good software without interesting clear ressources, if you type archicad on youtube you'll find Basic tutorials or Ugly ( sorry but truth) projects, wich can underrate the software
So !
it wasn't so hard to discover the trick,
to create curtain wall modules you have to create planar hexagons ffrom a surface using the lunchbox plugin,
the hexagons are not planar, so we need to planarize them to create curtain wall boundaries
here is the script