To change the appearance of the drawing title, you need to do a bit of GDL scripting. The title is a GDL object, so you must first open it for editing. Then save a copy so you can edit the object without affecting existing drawings.
1. Use the line2 command to draw a line across the circle.
2. You may want to define a second text style for the text below the separator line.
3. You will need to reposition the existing text to appear above the separator line.
4. You will need to define text to appear below the separator line. You can get the layout ID using the request:
REQUEST ("HomeDB_info", "", homeDBIntId, homeDBUserId, homeDBName, homeContext)
the returned values homeDBUserId and homeDBName are the ID and name of the layout.
If you need any further help, it might be easiest if you send me the drawing title object. I would be happy to make the adjustments for you, and include some comments to show what was involved.