Actually, while waiting for a reply to this topic, I did some attempts, and the results made me optimistic.
I do not need to cover all the possibilities. I only need the two most external skins to be turned.
So I scripted two POLY2_B commands, one for the internal skin an another for the external one (then 'MUL2 -1,1' for the other side of the window).
I just read the values for pens and fill from WALL_SKINS_PARAMS [1]
to draw the turning skin on the reference side, and WALL_SKINS_PARAMS [WALL_SKINS_NUMBER] to draw the turning skin on the oposite side.
These polys have a trapezoidal format, where the skin thickness is the height of the trapezoid. WALL_THICKNESS and WIDO_SILL are used to calculate the bases of the trapezoid. Have a look at the attached image. The two trapezoids on each side (one for each skin) of the left window are highlighted in green.
I still have to find out a way to tell ArchiCAD what my reference side is. Tried an 'IF WIDO_REVEAL_SIDE' to invert row 1 and row number WALL_SKINS_NUMBER, but it did not work as I expected.
The left window – which I created by doing the second click on the "north" side of the wall – is OK (except from some fine adjustments to the pens). In the right window – created with the second click on the "south" – the skins were inverted.