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Inswing door? (EzyJamb Inswing Door Frame)


Does anyone know the right combination of settings to do an inswinging trimless door representing the EzyJamb ISD | Premium Inswing Door Jamb with the out of the box D1 25 door object? 


I've attached a screenshot of what I'm going for but with the swing the wrong way and two other that show closest I've gotten with the door inswinging. For some reason Archicad adds a ~1 1/2" trim that I can't seem to adjust.

2022-01-12 16_57_59-220109-2 TM - ARCHICAD 25.png2022-01-12 17_01_37-220109-2 TM - ARCHICAD 25.png2022-01-12 17_01_53-220109-2 TM - ARCHICAD 25.png

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