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No Casing Door in Complex Profile Error

Not applicable
Hi Guys.

I am trying to place a door, I have tried all doors, in my Complex Profile, and have the door show no casing.

Once I tell it I want to show no casing I get an error messege that says

"index value greater than array dimension at line 262 in the master script of file PlasterGeometry.gsm."

I can put - - - - -

As I was writing my question here i was screwing around in Archicad trying to figure what was working and what was not, and I was about to ask what PlasterGeometry.gsm .

In th end I have found that if you get this error messge and you go to your closure and reveal settings change the thickness of the plaster that ArchiCAD defaults for you - or , what I did, is change it to "use wall Finishes"

So- tada.