Thanks David, for the reply

Unfortunately, my GDL knowledge isn't good enough yet to follow along. I'm not up to GDL programming yet in my learning curve.
However, first things first...
Am I right in assuming then, from your explanation, that the sections and elevation viewpoints are derived automatically from the 3D model, unlike the plan view (which is derived from a separate 2D script belonging to each object)....? (If so, this may explain why the 2D drafting capabilities are so different between the views - sections are soooo much better to draft in sometimes than plan, when all the lines of objects are "hot" and the cursor detects them for guidelines, slicing, etc. I've only just discovered this, and now I can use Objective, for example, for horizontal joist framing, but edit it all in section view (via its "assembly" function in its "plan" view), in order to have hot lines and not put up with the AC's painful plan view limitations of only snapping to pre-programmed hotspots when it comes to drafting & modeling objects within a 2D view.)
So - an aside... why doesn't AC
also have a 2D plan view option that is actually a true slice of the 3D model, so we can have hotlines of objects during editing, and
multiple plan views without resorting to faffing around with storeys and cutting planes? Just like a section view, but horizontal! It may not be as useful for con-doc, but for modeling it would be very useful (Or am I missing something again?)