Thanks for help.
I was using symb_pos from first object and storing them in glob_users as you said. And then calculating coordinate used add function. The problem was, object didn't move next to first object and symb_pos stayed at starting pos. I guess there are no work around to move symb_pos.
With call function i guess there would be same result symb_pos would stay where 2nd object where originated, but at least will try to switch using call instead of glob_user. Hmm, just had an idea, i could move object to other direction of symb_pos origin and then move to desired pos, ok, just realised it wouldn't work and would had same result.
Hmm, i could make 2nd object to move to its symb_pos and then move to desired pos. That way at least symb_pos wouldn't get further away with each time object moves. Most likely would have same problem. Will try to figure out see if it is possible in some way.
Again, thanks for help Barry