2018-01-30 02:13 PM
ADD x*glob_scale, y*glob_scale, 0However, glob_scale seems to be set to 1:100 scale when using the object so I think the *glob_scale is just *100. Is there any way to make my object work so when the scale is 1:10 my add is only 10 times rather than 100 or whatever scale I want it set at.
2018-01-30 02:31 PM
2018-01-30 02:51 PM
Erwin wrote:It doesn't seem to take it into consideration when the scale is anything other than 1:100. Even if I place a new object. I feel like it should just work, but it doesn't so I'm puzzled. I also tried using a mul command on a block, same think happens, goes to *100 and doesn't budge at all. Very frustrating.
glob_scale should work for current window scale, as far as I know, just do not use it in parameter script as I recall, as that doesn't allways run when changing view settings.
I haven't used it in a long time, though, maybe things have changed.
2018-01-30 03:02 PM
2018-01-30 03:20 PM
Erwin wrote:Still not working
If I look at something like a scale sensitive skylight, they have IF...THEN routines setup where it checks current scale as a number. They write it in all caps, maybe it is case sensitive?
2018-01-30 03:41 PM
if (symbol = sym1) then ADD 0.006211396909279*glob_scale, -0.006*glob_scale, 0 HOTSPOT 0, 0, 0 HOTSPOT 0, 0, height_3d ADDz height_3d+0.25 material mat_avoid Sphere 0.25 DEL 2 endif if (symbol = sym2) then ADD 0.006211396909279*glob_scale, -0.006000007437933*glob_scale, 0 HOTSPOT 0, 0, height_3d ADDz height_3d+0.25 material mat_take Sphere 0.25 DEL 2 endif if (symbol = sym3) then ADD 0.0062*glob_scale, -0.006050007437933*glob_scale, 0 HOTSPOT 0, 0, height_3d ADDz height_3d+0.25 material mat_info Sphere 0.25 DEL 2 endif if (symbol = sym4) then ADD 0.007*glob_scale, -0.0079222985750379*glob_scale, 0 HOTSPOT 0, 0, height_3d ADDz height_3d+0.25 material mat_hazard Sphere 0.25 DEL 1 endifif I use PROJECT2 3, 270, 2 in the 2D script, it shows my 3D in the exact place I want it to be but when I look in 3D view, it's in the wrong place (as if it is *100). I've attached an image.
2018-01-30 05:05 PM
2018-01-31 08:49 AM
2018-01-31 12:37 PM
Erwin wrote:I thought it might work if I create another parameter based on global scale (e.g scale=glob_scale) just to get the value to then multiply by but that didn't seem to work. Any idea as to why this doesn't work or if there is a way to get what I am trying to do to work?
As far as I know, it works for current view and 3D is a view, so you'll have to save the camera as a view and set up scale.