F. wrote:
And what is this good for? You have to redo it every time GS ships a new library. I do not change the ArchiCAD Libs.
Have you read this ArchiTIPP?
Hallo F. Beister,
yes I have read that ArchiTipp!
Also I have read the full documentation that cames with AC9 (and earlier).
Have you read "Introduction to Office Standards"?
And I am working with AC more than 6 years and that's means that I know the problem relative to CAD libraries, that all CAD users have very well.
I am thinking that you just havn't understand what I mean with my tip.
For the best "CAD-work-quality" and "working permormance" we need to have organized Libraries.
Introduction to Office Standards > Library Management > Types of Libraries:
...In whatever way, and by whom the library objects are to be used, they should be organized into separate libraries:
1. the most current release's ArchiCAD Object Library (AOL); (as *.PLA file)
2. an office standard library (OSL), which could be further sub-divided into visualization and documentation, or others;(as *.PLA file)
3. project specific libraries (PSL);
4. third party libraries (TPL);
Tip: It is recommended that the firm's standard template file(s) load by default, the AOL and the OSL from the network server or local hard drive as outlined herein. Each project once
established, should also load the PSL from the project directory. Specific team members should add additional TPLs if the model needs to be enhanced or furnished for visualization.
For OSL you need to have also OSL source Lib/Folder where you can organize OSL, and than save as "Office Std Library.PLA" in OSL Main Folder. (Introduction to Office Standards >
Library Management > Creating and Maintaining an Office Library > Creating the Office Standard Library)
Of course that's all you need to organize only when you need in more library parts as you have in AC std lib.., especially when create your own qualitative lib parts!
IF so then you create your own OSL SIMILAR(recommended). or NOT to AOL.
Why create similar to AOL tree?
Because so the the search-methodolgy it's same. So it's just practical and easier to work.
So if you agree that AC users need 4 types of libraries and that practical to have similar library structurs then you will also agree the "Practical Way to Create Office Std Library Tree
Structure" described at Top by me!
You say: " ...You have to redo it every time GS ships a new library..."
I want to ask you: "what you have done, when GS has strongly changed the lib tree structure after version 7.0? Are you using AC7 lib today?". I think no!
So in this context you can create OSL today similar to AC9.lib structur.
Tomorrow if GS ships a new library with insignificant modifications you can follow them and refresh your OSL or NOT! If yes I recommend to make back-up copy for current "Office Std
Library.PLA" (it's can looks for example as "Office Std Library 9.PLA", "Office Std Library 10.PLA", etc.).
If GS ships completely new AOL structur I will follow them.
I shall follow to this as we adapt annual changes, innovations to architectural - building, etc. standards.
Yes, it requires time (max. 1 day), but so after I will not think about differences between AOL and OSL.
I'm doing that's all, because for me it is more important to enjoy creative work, than to spoil nerves on minor questions.