Libraries & objects
About Archicad and BIMcloud libraries, their management and migration, objects and other library parts, etc.

Problems with windows and doors in the 3D view

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I experience a strange problem in the AC12. Windows and doors that I put in the floor plan view appear properly in this view. However the 3D view is not possible because there appears the following library (?) error:

"Fill not found
at line 440 in the 3D script of file Casement_a.gsm.
Fill not found
at line 440 in the 3D script of file Casement_a.gsm.
Fill not found
at line 430 in the 3D script of file Casement_d.gsm.
Fill not found
at line 341 in the 3D script of file Casement_e.gsm.
Fill not found
at line 430 in the 3D script of file Casement_d.gsm.
Fill not found
at line 341 in the 3D script of file Casement_e.gsm."

Could it possibly have to do with it that in beginning of the work on the project I had as well the AC11 library loaded?

Could anybody help me with this problem?
Not applicable
Referring to some solutions i have found on the forum, i replaced in the parameters tab of the object in the floor plan (position 'fill') an empty fill with a solid fill. This seemed to solve my problem.

However, in the 3D window there appears the same warning that the fill is missing. This time, when i click "stop" the 3D window, it appears with the library part represented in it. In spite of correcting every time the library part and every time clicking the dialogue box - the problem seems to be solved.

What did i wrong that it cost me so much additional clicking work and how to avoid this problem in future projects?

I wonder, best regards!
David Maudlin

See this thread:
Library Parts Not Working Properly


David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14
Not applicable
Hello David

Thank you very much. I will see what I can do with this. Now I am still looking for the menu File/GDL Objects/Open Object. Since I work on AC12 it will take a while to find it for me.
best regards,
David Maudlin

You may need to add this command to your Work Environment > Command Layout Schemes > Menus. If you set "Application commands and menus List:" to "All commands in alphabetical order" you can then click inside the list and use the keyboard to skip down to the command(s) you are looking for. After you have added the commands you want, remember to Redefine your Command Layout Scheme so this get saved as part of your Work Environment.

David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14
Not applicable
Thank you David.

I've found it but I do not know where I should save the modified .gsm file? I've saved it twice in different places but it shows no reaction. Should I load the modified file through the Library Manager?

David Maudlin

Create a folder for your modified parts, and add this folder to your project with the Library Manager. The Help files and this forum has a lot of information about proper library management.

David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14