@Ralph Wessel: Basically: No.
As I played around the problem, I realized the following things:
Theoretically we can solve it three ways:
-with a kind of iteration, within one single macro using a loop
-with recursive calls of subroutines within the same macro
-with recursive calls of (different) macros.
The situation is that if You try to solve the problem with the first two ways you have to simulate call stack frames, since in GDL all (local) variables have a marco-width scope, thus he following instantiations of local variables must be put into an array. (Local variables will look like
and with every next iteration
is increased) Needless to say, You will lose two dimensional arrays (one dimension is reserved for
On the other hand, for calling macros the call stack is handled well and local variables don't see each other directly (obviously).
So the only bottleneck is that is it a problem that there are two separate macros with the same name, but as i tested it around it behaved well.
All in all it worked for me.
GDL/Python/C++ dev