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!Restored: Show 3D Hotspots in 2D

Not applicable
Why not a parameter "AC_show3DHotspotsIn2D", for objects using project2, when axis are rotated.
(I tried it just in case if it was a hidden feature, but without success)
In such a case, quite impossible to script 2D hotspots
This could give better precision for placement and selection, than the bounding box hotspots.

Is there a way to achieve this or is it for the whislist.
Not applicable
I completely agree.
Why not !
Peter Devlin
that would be an excellent feature reducing programmers effort to map 3D hotspots to xy-plane. I have gone through the math hell recently when I was working on structural steel sections lib part trying to 'catch' all hotspots of rotated and inclined beams in space. It took me 2 weeks to figure it out.
Also, I found the problem with having 3D hotspots separated from 2D rep's when an active hotspot of an inclined beam (sliding along the beam edge) in 3D can not be defined in 2D because of the cosine factor of inclination angle that affects values of a particular variable.