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Script Error

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I'm not sure what is giving me this error. aren't the highlighted lines string type expressions?

Picture 1.png
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Seems so...could you kindly reveal more of the code or
possibly post the whole thing?

If this is a part of a macro call then this error could occur if the
called macro does not have the "gs_list_custom" parameters at
all or they are of wrong type.

Regards Juha
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Thank you Juha,

I'm not very good with scripting yet so I didn't totally understand what you meant in the above, but it was enough to make me realize that using a dome object in my ceiling fan was the problem. I used a complex profile to make my globe for the light instead and now everything is ok.

Thanks for the insight.


I am glad you got this solved in other ways, but in possible answer to the question, it is most likely that your script is requesting a variable of one type, ie. a number, but that parameter is actually defined as something else such as text. This type of mismatch will generate the error message you have.


AC 19 6006 & AC 20
Mac OS 10.11.5
15" Retina MacBook Pro 2.6
27" iMac Retina 5K
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This has come up again and my other fix isn't working so here is the whole script for a different object with the same problem.
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AC did some mess with your autoscripted object.

Search & Replace <ind(material,bod_mat)> by <bod_mat>
Search & Replace <ind(material,han_mat)> by <han_mat>
Search & Replace <"DEFAULT"> by <bod_mat>, except for the last one, replace by <han_mat>
Search & Replace <"09 | Paint-01 Ceiling White"> by <ceil_mat>.
You will have to create a new material <ceil_mat>

It takes about two minuts. Attached the rectified script. No more alerts.
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Thanks so much. Hopefully now I'll know how to do the next one on my own.
