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Shower object needs skilled help

G D Tune
Calling all GDL experts! I am not one, in fact this is my first attempt - which you will clearly see! But I could not find anything close to what I wanted so decided to initiate something myself.

I managed to get the 3D object looking ok, but can't get the 2D element to work as I'd like. Ideally I should be able to stretch the shower floor base without distorting the drain channel. Equally, the width of the shower base should be able to stretch without distorting the waste pipe.

Be keen to see if anyone is interested in developing it further??

can't upload gsm, so here is a link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fi0xyiwgh0b3e42/Shower%20tiled%20walk%20in.gsm?dl=0

Not applicable
Hi Geoff,
you have used a "save selection as object" to make your shower and in the code you have call a "Shower walk in" object that i seem to be missing.
Let's give you some directions:
- you need to script parameters for the geometry;
- some parts need to be stretching only in one direction and be fix otherwise;
- you need to learn how to graphically edit hotspots.
Hope it helps.
G D Tune
Thanks for your comments Ilder,

I'm not sure how to proceed from here...anyone have ideas?
Not applicable
Hi Geoff,
if you want help you need to be more specific.
What i have told you was the road map to reach your goal.
For someone new to GDL it seem's a long road but here you will find all the help you need so let's start.
Search the forum for each step.