If you know a little bit of GDL code you could:
1. Copy the Archicad object > you have to extract the library first using "extract a container".
2. find the object and open the GDL code to isolate the macro that places the 3d symbols.
3. make a copy of the necessary macros - might just be the main object, main macro and possible 1 other macro for the 3D symbol.
4. change the code in the macro that determines which panels arrow symbol appears.
If you know your way around GDL then this will only take 15 to 20 minutes to achieve.
However, if you don't know your way around GDL then perhaps search online in BIM Components.
Or the easiest method; you can subscribe to my (Cadswift's) Infinite Openings tool which is used by most top Archicad firms in Australia and many others around the world:
Creator of Cadswift's parametric GDL libraries
Creator of Infinite Openings and Component Catalogues
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