I uploadet it into the Bim Portal recently.
I took the normal Archicad-16-Edu - Window-Openingwith the Arc above and put in some code for:
"the art of real bricklaying" 😉
if activated in the Parameters - it does not alowasegment-Arc - only the full arc - will be filld with bricks on the rules of real bricklaying.
look ath the pictures at: (Yout dont need to know german to understand..)
and for what it is good for:
In archicad 16 in the Tool-Window-Dialogbox just serch the Bim for "Rundbogen"to try it
greetengs from Salzburg
AC5.5-AC27EduAut, PC-Win10, MacbookAirM1, MacbookM1Max, Win-I7+Nvidia