Here are two final versions: One for AC7 and one for AC8.1+ with moveable hotspots. You can show a side view of the cable/rope in floor plan to adjust construction. To compare with a 'simple' parable you can show its graph in 2D/3D too.
I have implemented two iteration algorithm: bisection and regula falsi. Bisection is faster under the (adjustable) tolreance than regula falsi, which needs sometimes the maximum of allowed iteration steps (# of steps can be printed) and keeps above. The approximation curve, which can be made visible, is the aberration of the aproxximated sagging to aim, depending of the factor a in the catenary formula.
[No proof for correctness or no data loss in case of endless loops.]
If it's in practical use, it woud be nice to get a pict.
Yes, it's possible to integrate it into a net like tentmaker does. Easiest way would be to take the COONS statement with four catenary lines around, but this will only sag in one direction (z). The top view is again a quadrangle. One could combine it (e.g. f(x)*g(x)) with a "sagging" in x/y, but this would not be a realistic or physical correct line for shure. And without this the effort to approximate against a hyperbolic cosine makes not really sense. Then it will be better to use a spline.