I assume you mean perpendicular to the tangent, based on your picture.
You need to know the x, y of the circle center, and the x, y of the point where the line meets the horizontal line.
Let's call them cpX, cpY, epX, epY. (ep: end point)
You need to know the angle of that line. That's ng=ATN(rise/run) -> ng=ATN(ABS(cpY-epY)/ABS(cpX-epX)).
Once you know that angle, you can adjust the start point of the line:
(sp: start point, rds: radius)
This is for the quadrant you show in your first picture. For the others, you'll need to change whether you add or subtract the rds*COS(ng) & rds*SIN(ng). You can find out what quadrant you're in by seeing which is greater of cpX/epX and cpY/epY. There's probably a better way, but my trig is not great and I can only find such things by trial and error. I build such things in +X, +Y first, then see what breaks when I go to other quadrants. The basic idea is right.
Then the line is LINE2 spX, spY, epX, epY, with a circle of CIRCLE2 cpX, cpY, rds.
HTH, (and hope I didn't make a mistake!)