This is a simple but universal frame for drawing sheet with markers to help folding ( if you don't have any folding machine in your office).
The markers allows you to fold any sheet to any target format (default A4) according to rules from the Neufert Architect's Data book.
Translation for parameters:
Marg. Góra - Up Margin
Marg. Dół - Bottom Margin
Marg. Lewo - Left Margin
Dług. znacznika - Marker's length (could be negative)
Zakład - First fold length
X formatki - X (Horizontal) dimension of target sheet format
Y Formatki - Y (Vertical) dimension of target sheet format
Insert the object to 0,0 of your drawing sheet template, stretch it to sheet format and that's all.
You can translate parameters as you need.
I think you find it useful