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Xref does not scale!!??!

Not applicable
New to using xrefs. I have a drawing I save at 1/8"=1'-0" scale, a title block for instance. Why when I reference this file to a new drawing does it not xref at 1/8" scale? It is about 40 times larger. ex. A 3' door references in at 118' wide. I cannot find any info in books or ArchiGuide about what I am doing wrong.
Steve wrote:
New to using xrefs. I have a drawing I save at 1/8"=1'-0" scale, a title block for instance. Why when I reference this file to a new drawing does it not xref at 1/8" scale? It is about 40 times larger. ex. A 3' door references in at 118' wide. I cannot find any info in books or ArchiGuide about what I am doing wrong.
The drawing should be made fro a certain scale. Aside from the fact that there is no place for titleblock in ArchiCAD (try PlotMaker), your ArchiCAD file should be in the same scale the WG was made for, and you should use the same units.

If that does not help, Resize will - just make sure to supend groups after you selected your XRef.


ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen
Not applicable
Thank you for your quick reply. Maybe a title block was not a good example. Let's say a floor plan. I do a "save as" to save a copy of the floorplan as a DWG in 1/8" scale. Now if I xref that saved floorplan, it comes in 40x larger. I can use resize, as you suggested, but shouldn't a .DWG file saved at 1/8" scale reference at 1/8" scale??
Steve wrote:
I can use resize, as you suggested, but shouldn't a .DWG file saved at 1/8" scale reference at 1/8" scale??
DWG - meaning AutoCAD - knows nothing about scale. All it knows are units, that again are something you decide on - millimeters or light years. So you have to make a drawing FOR a certain scale.

When you export a DWG from ArchiCAD, the scale factor in ArchiCAD will be used only to size the text and other scale sensitive elements relative to the drawing.

Try a simple test - save a DWG and immediately XRef it in, BUT make sure your units in ArchiCAD and untis in the Translator that you use are the same. 40 times sounds like your translator is in meters, and you work in inches. So, Translator reads each inch in your DWG as one meter.

The problem with the computers is that they never do what we want, onlyt what we tell them to do ...

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen