since ‎2003-10-17

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As it says in the Subject:The Geolocation works only in the workspace, and the data gets lost in the layout.For the CDE applications and similar workflows, it is necessary that the issued drawing - titleblock and all, therefore Layout - is geolocated...
Would it not be nice to have a Meeting room furniture layout, pulling the table and the chairs from the existing loaded library?
Hi all!Elsewhere, I wrote about the successful publishing to Autodesk Construction Cloud. Yes, it all publishes, BUT!The published DWGs cannot be viewed on ACC.Instead of the whole DWG, only the bottom left corner is seen. Did anyone else have the sa...
As it says in the title...
I just want to share recent experience with Autodesk Construction Cloud, that some might find useful.As you might be aware, ACC is a CDE platform, widely used for project management. It allows direct opening and browsing of most of Autodesk formats, ...