Libraries & objects
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keeping texture mapping when exporting objects

Not applicable
As far as I've tried I couldn't find a way to keep correct texture mapping of objects when the texture is defined in the script after exporting to .obj or .3ds
It's getting me mad.
When it is defined via align texture on a usual tool evrything's fine.
But if the texture is defined in a script, as a picture for example it doesn't retain the crrect texture position, although it is alright in the 3d opengl view.
You can try with the usual bitmap People object in the library.
Is that a bug or am I missing something?
Not applicable
Now I understand that the texture mapping is actually kept when defined with coords and all that.
It seems that it is just the Picture command that is not translated into correct texture mappings.
That's too bad because it is a pain to do basic mapping while it is so easy to use the picture command.