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still can't around with gdl

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still can't seem to put my fears away and start to do some simple gdl.
is there anyone out there had the fears like mine with learning gdl?
i need support to get onto it.

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Did you try the GDL Cookbook from David Nicholson-Cole?
In complement to the manual, this is an excellent way to learn.
Lot of examples fully detailed and explained.
There's also the new "Object making with Archicad" that comes with Archicad 9, that is a pretty good intro to making objects with and without GDL.
Tom Waltz
When I started in GDL - back in the old days - it was necessity - making more complex things was impossible - even a sweep or an extrude needed coding. Curved walls:coding - loved the command BWALL - Bent Wall. I imagine all of these elements live in Manhattan, now.

I am forgetting the name but there is a GDL code writing/debugging helper out there now: Polkadot Rabbit or something. Somebody help on this. It let you see the effects of code segments immediately. And it is visual....

Getting over GDL fear is about turning it into a game. Since we have met and I know you to be a disciplined and precise person, if you give GDL one day of serious effort, you can be doing it with ease - the modeling part, anyway.

Our Guru David Nicholson-Cole has written those books already identified as enthusiastic training manuals that are quite fun....
Dwight Atkinson
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Dwight wrote:
Our Guru David Nicholson-Cole has written those books already identified as enthusiastic training manuals that are quite fun....
Hi Dwight, when i read "guru", don't know why, i understand swindler or crook.
Please, avoid such a word, it could make harm to David's reputation.
just a semantic question.
I don't know what kind of guys you hang with, but considering that the best swindler/crook/"RollsRoyce my favorite automobile"/have sex with all the women/guru Bagman "Sheesh!" Rajneesh had his famous and controversial compound not a day's drive South of here in Antelope, Oregon, I should watch my words.

I hereby promise to never use the word "guru" when referring to DNC, again. Inspired both by GS's own description of him as "evangelist," and powerful Arnold Schwaznegger's surprise excellence governing California, I'll refer to him in future as the "Evangelator."

No questionable overtones there, eh?

Not like names like Olivier where all you can think of is olive oil.
Dwight Atkinson
And, just so that in our languages and understanding don't make bad friends over teasing, the name Dwight is pretty bad, too.

You can't decide whether the guy has a speech impediment or whether he was named by his Grandmother who had the stroke.

"Look at the baby, Grandma..."
"………… oh, Grandma, "Dwight" is a lovely name."
Dwight Atkinson
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Dwight wrote:
Not like names like Olivier where all you can think of is olive oil.
I have already heard this one. Easy.

Dwight, don't make me laugh, you know i can't reply, my vocabulary is too much limited.
Sorry, the fight is unequal, and by respect with your Veteran member status i let you conclude.
I thought about that so I did your return tease for you. It is one of my better ones.
Dwight Atkinson