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xy coordinates label From GDL COOKBOOK

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When I use the xy coordinates label from the GDL Cookbook in Arcicad 9, it assigns a random 0,0 origin, not respecting the origins of the drawing or the project. I opened the same file in both 8.1 and 9; 8.1 behaved flawlessly: 9 assigned an origin without respect to anything. I chencked my settings (decimal feet) and compared settings in 9 and 8.1, which both appear the same.

Any clues? Makes it difficult to give a surveyor coordinates (this just happens on the label tool-- the coordiate readout in the info boxes is correct). I have used this label for some time with no problems. Only when i switched a project over to 9 did I encounter an error in the label tool only.

Rip Weaver
Mac OSX 2.18

Archicad 8.1/9
i have a feeling that archiCAD 9 now has the ability to handle projects with information appearing a long, long way from the absolute origin. this may mean some recalculation of a relative origin to make that work.

check that there aren't any different or new global variables in 9 that could affect what you're doing maybe? other than this, i have no idea what might be happening. it could be a real problem as you say.

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Not applicable
The weird thing about this problem is I never had an issue with previuos releases, and did noy=t know about the "distance from origin" issue until now. Now that we have 9, I have a problem.

I would be happy to send anyone a small file so that you can test this for yourself.

I am stumped. I have checked what know "switches" I can; no change.

Rip Weaver

500 mHz G-4 cube/Archicad 8.1/9

i could be barking up the wrong tree completely. i went back and tried out the GDL cookbook label myself yesterday and couldn't get it working very well at all. no leader lines and the text was going crazy . . .

i can't actually get my laptop online right now to download your file (i'm relying on internet cafes only), but perhaps some other kind soul could give it a look???

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Aaron Bourgoin
Ben and Rip,

I've had a go with rip's file today. Ditto Ben's comments, I don't have a clue what might be the problem except perhaps the array that is described inside the part. Sorry to be of so little help.
Think Like a Spec Writer
AC4.55 through 28 / USA AC27-6010 USA
Rhino 8 Mac
MacOS 15.2
Not applicable
Thanks for trying guys. Just can't figure why it works so well in 8.1, and not at all in 9.0. I have sent David Nicholoson-Cole an email regarding this, but have not heard back as of today.

Seems to be somewhat file dependent (although the leader line is still not showing up); I did get it to work on another file, but not the main file, and not the file I sent out.

Rip Weaver
Twon Landscape Architect
The Town of Mt Laurel

Archicad 8.1/9.0
Rip wrote:
Thanks for trying guys. Just can't figure why it works so well in 8.1, and not at all in 9.0. I have sent David Nicholoson-Cole an email regarding this, but have not heard back as of today.
Seems to be somewhat file dependent (although the leader line is still not showing up); I did get it to work on another file, but not the main file, and not the file I sent out.
thanks, I got Rips message a coupla days ago, but havent had the chance to try it out yet.
will have a look.
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anyone else have this problem?

Rip Weaver

Archicad 9