2006-08-31 06:07 PM
2006-09-05 11:51 AM
2006-09-05 12:13 PM
Krippahl wrote:I'm already in the detail stage! The projects are already defined...
Only when you get to the cd stage will you go into 3d detailing.
Krippahl wrote:So your idea is to have lots of stories? Even when they don't correspond to a story!? Sounds weird to me...
The base of the walls I would do in a different story
Krippahl wrote:How come!? Those new walls, as I understood your first suggestion, should now have different thickness ('cause they'd be just the structural concrete to join the slabs to the walls, and would not have the insulations etc) and unless their reference line construction is in the middle, they'd have to be repositioned.
They would be simply copypasted walls from the main floor, and then automatically changed.
2006-09-05 12:44 PM
PatriciaLeão wrote:
I'm already in the detail stage! The projects are already defined...
PatriciaLeão wrote:
So your idea is to have lots of stories? Even when they don't correspond to a story!? Sounds weird to me...
PatriciaLeão wrote:
... they'd have to be repositioned.
PatriciaLeão wrote:
Am I misunderstanding everything!?
2006-09-05 01:03 PM
Krippahl wrote:
Stories are a convention. I use extra stories for a lot of stuff: 2D external data - for instance, 2d topography; ceilings; wood trusses in a roof structure, 3d exterior extras - tress, cars, whatnot.
These are 'fake' stories, which allow me to manipulate all the information without resorting to layer management (I like to keep my layers simple and few).
Krippahl wrote:hehehe I must have more funny misunderstanding situations communicating here in my brazilian portuguese, although you portuguese people understand me very well because of the soap operas.
For two portuguese to communicate in english, there is bound to be misunderstanding
2006-09-05 01:12 PM
PatriciaLeão wrote:Common sense? Good question, something I never associated with CAD, I guess.
I'm still not convinced on this... Is this a common sense!?
PatriciaLeão wrote:Which is something I would not go around boasting about
although you portuguese people understand me very well because of the soap operas.
2006-09-05 01:33 PM
Krippahl wrote:If it's ok like this for you, great. I always like to know how other people do things, even those that are solved for me. Maybe it's ok for me, but ir can be better, faster or easier...
Thing is, common sense in using such a complex software like ArchiCAD isn't really that important. If it works for you, then it is ok.
2006-09-05 02:49 PM
2006-09-06 01:54 PM
Krippahl wrote:And when you have to print/plot all these stuff (Caldeirada
I use extra stories for a lot of stuff: 2D external data - for instance, 2d topography; ceilings; wood trusses in a roof structure, 3d exterior extras - tress, cars, whatnot.
2006-09-06 02:35 PM
Braza wrote:
... How can you assemble all this information in a single plan using the publisher?
2006-09-06 02:45 PM
Krippahl wrote:Maybe it could have been useful in AC9, but in AC10, with the new wall's "floor plan display" options... well, as you said before, if it's nice for you that way...
I put in those stories mostly stuff I don´t want to see in plan, like suspended ceilings and soffits, but still have them in sections, without resorting to layer management.