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AC11 1040 tooooo slooooooow

Eduardo Rolon
Working with the same file in AC10 and AC11

AC 10

open = 1 min
open organizer = less than 1 min
update all drawings = 1.5 hrs

AC 11

open = 9 min
open organizer = 11 min (perfect for a smoking break)
update all drawings = 3 hrs (perfect for an executive three martini lunch)

The first release of AC11 was this slow, with the first patch (1033) it became usable now with the third patch (1040) it is too slow, I am beyond sarcastic.

…and this is a possible 5 year project so I want to keep it in the current version so that when AC16 is out I don't have problems.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator

Rakela Raul
i opened a project with ac9 yesterday,,,,wow thats the speed i wish i had with ac11....i really felt like going backward
MACBKPro /32GiG / 240SSD
AC V6 to V18 - RVT V11 to V16
Not applicable
It would be nice to have an answer from Graphisoft about this
slowness. Instead of adding widgets or gadgets, they should optimize
their code.
Karl Ottenstein
jean-luc wrote:
It would be nice to have an answer from Graphisoft about this
slowness. Instead of adding widgets or gadgets, they should optimize
their code.
As you know, you cannot 'expect' an answer from GS on these forums. That is what the tech support channel is for: use it.

Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling? Have you used Onyx Pro (shareware) or something similar to run all maintenance scripts and optimization on your Mac?

When you say it takes so long to open ... is that to open AC to a blank template, or to your particular PLN file? If the PLN file, are all files on the local disk, or are some on the server? (Some network issues are related to OS 10.4.10 I believe, not AC.)

(AC 11 opens very quickly with a fresh template and standard libs on my ancient G4 1GHz x 2, for what that's worth.)

AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Karl Ottenstein
Rakela wrote:
i opened a project with ac9 yesterday,,,,wow thats the speed i wish i had with ac11....i really felt like going backward
Had a similar experience with 8.1 last week ... wow, things were fast then! 🙂

Related to the slowness of AC 11: I find a really annoying (several seconds) delay bringing up the settings dialog for any tool on a 3 GHz P4 (XP Pro). These dialogs were always instantaneous in prior versions. Anybody else seeing this?

AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Eduardo Rolon
I am just writing for general comparison of a project, since it is my impression that we will have to keep moving projects into new AC releases every year and this is a BIG problem or maybe concern. For example I found out early on that having different Dim Settings defined in drawings will slow AC11 to a crawl and switch all of 650 drawings to the same one and improved the opening of the same file, now it is back to the same slowness. I didn't report this before because I get paid for doing Architectural Projects and not for finding AC bugs and when I found it I didn't have the time to write it up.

AFAIK new AC11 projects behave "relatively" snappy, (I just started a couple) and I normally recreate a my template from scratch. Even if any of the options were a problem (like network, caches, schedule scripts or anything that Onyx can clean up) the comparisson stands I open the same file in the same computer in AC10 and in AC11 (after converting it to AC11 beforehand) and there is a noticeable difference and it is enough that it is my opinion that it is a problem. I can understand some of the slowness because AC11 has to open an additional library that 10 does not but a 10 fold difference?

Anyway, If GS is bent on a yearly release then project migration should be very important since most architectural projects span more that 12 months. I will be reinstalling AC this afternoon anyway and report later.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator

Eduardo Rolon
Reinstall, clean caches, etc

Still Slow.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator

Eduardo Rolon
It gets stranger…

If I open an empty file and launch the Organizer then open the file that takes 11 mins (to open the organizer), the time it takes to open the file + the organizer is less than 5 minutes.


Pre open a file, open the Drawing manager and then open the "problem" file
Time = 5min on average


1) Open the File = 5 min
2) Open the Drawing Manager = 11 min
total 16 min
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator

Not applicable

I have Archicad 11. So far-because I will stop it- we have a deal here with Bilgimat and we pay every year to get the new release. However when I see all the posts concerning the new version I am not willing to install it, running into new problems.

About Graphisoft Karl, I guess they are aware about this forum and should send email sometimes. Ok it is not the normal way to get technical help, but let's imagine that you will start like " heu yes my computer is slow with your new version". Two possibilities: They already know it and they will likely play around with you " ha may be the driver of your processor ( I am kiding) is problematic..etc etc...it can be long.
Second possibility it is a bug and then to know it will not help you so much.
To summarize I do not trust technical help service...
The best is to have someone impartial from graphisoft who send anonymous email here on this forum (yes I know I am dreaming)

Ah an example. I was talking about optimization. For instance the
sketch rendering. Take a while when you have a big project...why ?
If the lightwork engine takes 2 minutes for the same view, why the
sketch goes up to 30 minutes. I usually use a wireframe view, save
as jpeg, of course with a bad resolution because there is not option
make it bigger and then we can draw on it (by hand).
Therefore for me it is a gadget that I never use...and compared to adobe streamline, sketch rendering is like a bad joke.
So this is an example of widget added by graphisoft without optimization.
It was also true with the lightwork engine before Archicad 10.
I guess it is now a kind of habit with graphisoft... I prefer less tools
but optimized otherwise we are much more faster by hand.


jean-luc wrote:
About Graphisoft Karl, I guess they are aware about this forum and should send email sometimes.

To summarize I do not trust technical help service...
The best is to have someone impartial from graphisoft who send anonymous email here on this forum (yes I know I am dreaming)
whilst graphisoft don't officially comment here, they do browse in the background and will contact you privately if you are having a serious issue of which they are not aware.

i also do not trust resellers technical services 100%. they are often more concerned with sales than fixing things. but nevertheless, you should still report ALL issues that you're having with them - if nothing else it ought to serve as a performance gauge for graphisoft to determine the good and bad resellers for future business.

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