Register your book. See page 3.
Supplement to 11 will be only about three pages long.
Addresses newly implemented displacement shaders...... not earth shaking changes. You can wait. Get 10 supplement instead. Register.
Sort of busy with Deep Ellum Gateway Presentation this week.
Perhaps sometime in July......
Cinema 4D fun but complex. Professional quality with almost all of the features you could want. Even controls sound volume from placed microphones in an animation. Not that you'll ever need it.
Some commitment to new terminology and technique To me "caustic" was soda. But "No!" It is a description of light decay on a diffuse surface. I think.
Complex light/material interaction requires lots of experimentation for superior result.
I believe that the only thing you are missing in Cinema 4D is the treeswaveinthewind feature of Electricimage.
Dwight Atkinson