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About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

ArchiCAD Talk members Open Letter to Graphisoft

This is the draft. Fill free to criticize, modify, fix errors, ban, copy - anything you want. I just wrote it, because I've been thinking about it too much - and these days and already several years.

To Graphisoft developers team
Graphisoft CEO Huw Roberts
Graphisoft founder Gabor Bojar

Dear ArchiCAD developers, creators and representatives.

ArchiCAD users, after several days of discussions on ArchiCAD Talk forum, showing major disappointment
and frustrations about new version 25 release, as most unsuccessful release, by opinion of majority of
users, have decided to write the open letter to share the common concern about present and future of
the software. Many of users have built their carriers based on ArchiCAD, following common vision of
future of AEC industry of Graphisoft, believing that this software is much more then just another
3d package on the market.

From the first beginning of ArchiCAD creation, Graphisoft was able to be pioneer in three-dimensional
technology for architecture and construction, showing many time absolutely brilliant and genius
mathematical solutions in computer-aided design world. ArchiCAD became natural tool
for many architects worldwide, it deserved this title because of very intuitive user interface,
both Apple and Windows support and deep understanding of architecture as a profession and art.

However the disappointment of the last release showed not only the fact, that people worldwide,
exhausted of COVID epidemy, lockdowns, economical and political crisises in different points of
our planet, was just expected new attractions but didn't get proper show, but most likely this
strange situation uncovered misunderstandings and unsatisfaction that was accumulating for years.
We would like to rise several important concerns, that touched most of ArchiCAD users worldwide:

1. Software instability. ArchiCAD was known for years as solid stable platform. But in past several
years - at least 5 - ArchiCAD started to show instability more and more often, especially working on
big serious projects. Many features are not working how suppose to, it affecting layouts, publishing,
BIMx models, scheduling, TeamWork. Many big companies are not risking to install new versions after
the release and waiting sometimes more then half year before updating to the latest version. Many
users also refuse to update their licences by the same reason - as new releases bring more troubles
and distractions to well established workflow, than benefiting from new features.

2. Poor support of national CAD/BIM standards. Because of government request in many countries to
provide architectural projects in BIM format, it became absolutely necessary to follow national
CAD standards, following governal guidance and BIM execution plans. When ArchiCAD mostly has
potentially tools and technology for full support of national standards, however done very little
in this field. Local ArchiCAD distributors and local Graphisoft branches mostly avoiding to be
deeply involved into additional developments of standards support. Standard libraries are showing
very poor knowledge of local standards, when users not always able to learn GDL programming language
or develop Add-ons on C++. Several well known third part developers trying to cover additional needs,
but they cannot cover all world with variety of local requirements and mostly concentrating on their
commercial products. Big companies (50-200 licences) very often do not trust to third part developers,
as they think can be risky for their workflows also they cannot find programmers, who able to
develop custom add-ons and libraries to them, or if they do - very often they are getting poor
quality and very expensive product.

3. Medium to poor support of construction documentation production. ArchiCAD is showing its lack in
production professional high quality documentation for construction purposes. Some solutions are
outdated (as Listing feature for quantity take-off databases) and became almost useless, but new
features (scheduling for example) cannot cover all needs and sometimes do not have similar or better
flexibility. Absolutely basics for construction documentation terms - as Structural Slab level,
Finished Floor level, Finished Ceiling level just do not exist in the software and every user managing
it the way how he imagines the best, discovering his own working methods. No solid tools for keynotes,
drawing register and detailed scheduling.

4. Lack of presence of important 3D building parts, inconsistency of tools. Some tools representing
building parts was developed well - for example curtain wall and stair, when another tools are staying
as they were for long years without any update, that is not giving to architects efficiently built
BIM models. There is no tools for foundation, reinforced concrete rebars, facade covering systems,
wall and slab panelling as SIP or CLT, roofing membranes and roof tiling. Does not exist proper solution
for framing - both timber and steel. Excellent solution for such elements as accessories today look very
old, not supporting new ArchiCAD features and cannot be counted as any proper solution.
ArchiCAD do not provide any simple technology for software customisation to build similar tools,
when it's almost impossible to imagine modern construction without such elements. Mesh and Zone tools
was not updated since version 6. Do not exist any proper tools to model roads, soft surface, parking
lots. Zone not always detecting elements correct, cannot be shown in sections. Doors and windows do
not have lintels, that can be detached from them and shown for example in structural plans. There is
no posiibility to schedule separately ironmongery. In MEP tools missing plastic pipes, that used today
everywhere. There is nothing about having default electrical sockets and switchers as part of MEP, no
cabels. Graphical representation of MEP tools on plan is not really acceptable by CAD standards.
Use of MEP is very limited without serious GDL programming involving by developing custom libraries.
Construction elements do not have connection to Level Of Details, library parts supporting only
three levels of details instead of five.

5. Poor interior design support. It's quite hard to produce quick and efficient elements of interior
design. It's hard to work with finishes, there is nothing related to wall and ceiling painting tools,
creation of custom furniture and light can be very time consuming and complicated. Labeling of surfaces
is limited and not detecting surfaces of library elements by default. Very limited libraries of sanitary,
furniture and decoration elements. Production of interior elevation is time consuming. Interior
elevation markers are disconnected from zone tool (when they can be as one tool). Although interior
elevations now can have textured fills, there is no real shadows distribution engine from lamps and
opening - how it happens in real world and how it always was in classic hand drawn interior elevations.
BIMx models do not have any support of light sourses and any modern global illumination visualisation

6. Lack of introduction of tools for virtual construction. Virtual construction technology, introduced
first in version 7 and continued by VICO constructor was completely dismissed. Construction simulation
add-on from goodies today is totally useless. There is no built-in construction timeline, construction
phases, it's impossible to set demolition and new built in several phases. Nothing related to building
material deliveries and storage.

7. Not-well established communication with ArchiCAD users. Many users are rising conserns that they are
not heard and they wishes are dismissed. When many of users would like to know more or future development
of software, only small amount is allowed to take part in beta testing. There is no public development
roadmap. Almost does not exist di-directional communication between users and development team.
Communication with local distributors and Graphisoft representatives are too commercial. When some users
would like to be involved into development deeper (by programming GDL libraries, for example) they are
not receiving enough support and attention from Graphisoft representatives, who leave them to manage
their development on their own. Some users have concerns about software protection and scale of piracy
worldwide, when if they will continue their private developments - they risking to give their work
into hand of pirates. Some new features, introduced in last ArchiCAD versions, users can find not
important at all for their workflows, when features and new working methods that are highly important,
they can wait for long years - as that happened with Morph and Survey Point, when users received these
tools with about 10 years delay.

8. No simulation engines. ArchiCAD do not have any built-in simulation engines. There is no global
illumination engines (like radiosity) to work with lighting (apart of CineRender photon mapping, that
is limited to imaginary only), heat distribution, physics for load calculations, wind or liquids or
simple animation timeline - anything that making digital twin of the building 'alive'.

9. Lack of support of workflow automation and future use of Artificial Intelligence. Today's technology
is stepping into complete automation of workflow, artificial intelligence and new technologies, that
aiming to change our lives completely. However many ArchiCAD users have serious concerns that they are
binded to manual input by working with ArchiCAD. If ArchiCAD - Grasshopper connection opens to
ArchiCAD users possibilities to build their own robots that can automatically produce architectural
projects, ArchiCAD itself is not ready to full or partial automation. Today exist already solutions,
based on Rhino or CATIA, that letting automatically generate models and complete construction
documentation on remote servers sending only initial information via internet. However ArchiCAD itself
do not have any, at least visible for users, tools for automatic drawings generation, publishing,
annotating and dimensioning. Does not exist terminal mode for ArchiCAD and set of commands that can be
launched autonomously by robot. All examples of automation showed so far, still require manual input
and presence of ArchiCAD graphical interface. This is strange, because on the dawn of ArchiCAD was
conversations coming from Graphisoft about science-fictional future of ArchiCAD and construction driven
by robots and when this future is coming - looks like ArchiCAD is late.

I hope reviewing our concerns will be helpful for everyone. We believe we did not make mistake choosing
ArchiCAD as our favourite architectural software and would like to see this package leading on
international AEC market, helping us to succeed in our profession too.

Hi Kristian,

I would like to write my comment to your comment. My discovery after quite long observation of current BIM workflow in various architectural practises was that modern architects, engineers and anyone who involved into AEC industry in many cases loosing classical knowledge of architecture and construction engineering methods, that been developed through thousands of years and replacing this knowledge by computer programs. By another hand computer programs do not include the classical knowledge - they are more mathematical and quite often starting to re-discover the wheel, offering new, very often ugly solutions to what was before computer era. All that creates big vacuum of knowledge - old school architects are getting older and disappearing, newcomers do little and not capable to learn from the past. And we are getting computers because of computers - but not because we need computers to support us in our professions. Agree - computer programs are getting smarter, but not so smart to start thinking for us, but we are getting more and more stupid - putting all our hopes to the big calculators. And a result - we cannot deliver projects how suppose to. And there is always 'but' exists - but it's not so bad, but we are doing better, but we are learning from our mistakes... We also looking on Archicad from point of view of Archicad. Or we can compare it to Revit or another major BIM platform. Then situation remains like someone got ugly hysterical wife - but if compare to his neighbours - his wife is not so bad - that situation still not making her queen of beauty. Finally, I think, that currently BIM development goes wrong direction - and probably past 10 years for sure. Why I think so? Because I've seen a lot of examples when company is changing into BIM from 2D drafting, getting BIM package (Archicad or Revit, whatever), spending money on software and computers and? And nothing. Things are becoming more complicated, messy and unmanageable then before. Too many settings, too many clicks and buttons. And then companies struggle - because in reality they are not getting smooth and perfect workflow as been promised - loosing money, breaking deadlines, facing conflicts with clients and contractors. And then what? Well, spend more money on training, additional developing, developing templates - and after 5 years looks like it's getting better, but still not good enough. For various BIM managers and developers it's a good situation - we can behave like knights who is coming and able to solve problems (and charge a lot of money for service), but we are not able to solve all problems. And also this situation gives perfect opportunities for BIM charlatans to come into market - those who will use BIM opportunities to fix their financial situation only - but actually who will not able to do nothing apart of saying: "Oh, yes, it's OK. In next 10 years you guys will get better with BIM projects. Just pay my next invoice and all will be OK. And buy my new package of lessons - that you actually don't need, but as soon as you will pay a lot of money - you will believe, that it will save you and believe is very strong thing, isn't it?"


Please add to your letter:

1. Bimcomponents - very good idea but poor quantity of objects, bimobjecst need to be save to hard drive and import from a folder - WHY ?, there is plug-in for older AC, but now it is not working !.- this was big suprise

2. DWG drawings imported from dwg are diplaying slow - with delay...same drawnigs in other software on same coputer opens and display very fast - WHY ?! Even Android dwg app work faster !

3. Why do the drawings on the sheets update so slowly?!. With large projects, we have to turn off automatic updates, because responsiveness is terrible !

4. Twinmotion direct link is best move on Graphisoft from years, but they did not solve incorrect UV on walls and slabs (especialy curved or irregular).

5. Finaly importing objecst from other 3d sofware slow down Archicad - designing complex interior requre a looot of patient and waiting time - WHY?

6. The support of new ACs by manufacturers such as SaintGobain, door and window makers is disappearing. It is also difficult to import the real appearance of doors and windows from their manufacturers.