2006-05-10 09:37 AM
2006-05-10 09:54 AM
2006-05-10 03:29 PM
2006-05-11 08:47 AM
Aaron wrote:And is this official?
Archicad iS tHE nEW fORM fOR wRITING tHE wORD archicad. lESS eMPHASIS oN CAD
BIM = a bALM for the iNVENTIVE mIND
2006-05-11 10:40 AM
2006-05-12 12:55 AM
stefan wrote:I think that the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. Certain departments in GS have fresh AC 10 documents flowing with "ArchiCAD" everywhere, but elsewhere we hear/see the new spelling. A mystery.
And is this official?
The whole website is still overwhelmed with the "ArchiCAD" name...