About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

ArchiCAD using firms in NYC

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I am looking for firms that use ArchiCAD in and or around the NYC area.

I searched the memeberlist database here and found a couple via the websites given, however, the list was very limited.

If you are aware of any firms in this area that use ArchiCAD, could you please list them here?.

I appreciate the help!
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Why are you looking?
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Matthew wrote:
Why are you looking?
I'm looking to possibly relocate to NYC (or the surrounding areas).

I've been using AC for 6+ years now and would like to find some firms that use the software so I can research them for job possibilities.

The entire move hinges on whether or not I can find a job there and I figured I'd look for AC using firms first. However, that is turning out to be some challenge. I've contacted a couple resellers, but their privacy policies prohibit them from giving out names, so I figured some posters on here may know of some or indeed are some.

Any help would be appreciated.
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...I've contacted a couple resellers, but their privacy policies prohibit them from giving out names, so I figured some posters on here may know of some or indeed are some.
Seems like a perverse marketing decision to make it as hard as possible for users to get jobs, especially when the software is not the market leaders. Can they not forward your name/CV on to them perhaps?

I wonder why the resellers just don't send a monthly letter to all of their clients in the area listing available jobs and people looking for jobs? It would be a win-win for all - more people getting jobs using the software must mean more orders for the software!

GS have a list of jobs here if it's any help, but it is for the whole world and seems underused in terms of numbers of postings. I'm sure a more localised version would be more useful to everyone.

Best of luck anyway!
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One reseller has offered to take in my resume and send it to firms as needed, while another has actually inquired about me joining him in presentations to potential buyers in the area.

The main issue I see here, and this is partly an assumption on my part, is there just are not that many firms using ArchiCAD in NYC. Which, when you consider the amount of firms located there, is really an eye opener.

Perhaps there are more firms than I am finding (which only a couple). However, outside of the firms out west and in Europe, many of whom openly proclaim they use ArchiCAD and actually include it into their company profiles as a selling point of sorts, most ArchiCAD firms don't use the software as a point of emphasis in selling their firms to potential clients and employees.

Looks life Revit will be getting another user here shortly.
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There are quite a few firms in NYC using ArchiCAD (or at least there were when I lived there a few years ago). The one firm I know well is not hiring so there's no point in an introduction. You can also check Craig's List. I've seen some listings out here that specifically mention ArchiCAD. You can also post to the seeking employment side of GS job board.
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Matthew wrote:
There are quite a few firms in NYC using ArchiCAD (or at least there were when I lived there a few years ago). The one firm I know well is not hiring so there's no point in an introduction. You can also check Craig's List. I've seen some listings out here that specifically mention ArchiCAD. You can also post to the seeking employment side of GS job board.
That's the first bit of encouraging news I have heard, and honestly, the first I have heard of there being "quite a few" firms there using AC12.

I will keep up the search and I hope that giving my resume to the resellers will help.

I will let you all know what I find as I go along.