The battered wall is an accessory that automatically uses wall opening data to establish its own openings. You select walls, then apply the accessory routine found in the Extras menu.
You are having a problem because you are trying to employ the default as an object, not an integrated routine.You've looked at the opbject default view with a door and window opening and aren't aware that this is a dynamic, self-defining element.
The tone of your question is that you'd like a stretchy object, but the accessory will produce a battered wall against any selected wall element once the accessory is invoked - semi-infinite, if you like. You can also define it to go beneath openings and therefore be unaffected by them.
Practice on a square room to see what I mean.
1: make walls.
2: select walls.
3: Extras>Accessories>Wall Accessories...
4: Tell it what shape to be.
5: Confirm, and Viola.
Alternatively, Cigraph makes a fine tool called [no surprise] ArchiWall where the accessory follows curves to define itself against a selected wall.
An even coating of batter is the key to maintaining crispness.
Dwight Atkinson