Alternatively you could try this:
1. select the object in floorplan view
2. go to 'File>Libraries and objects>Open object' (CTRL+SHIFT+O if your hotkeys are the same as mine)
3. go to '3D Script'
4. insert this code at the top:
5. check the object in '3D View'
6. if it doesn't look right try inserting this in '3D Script' instead:
7. hit the save button
8. go to Library Manager and hit Reload (might not be needed, but just to be sure the changes are updated)
This will rotate your object 90 degrees along the x or y axis (whichever works). If it looks upside down for some reason, just make it -90.
If you can't edit the script, you need to save your object again and go to 'Options' and check 'editable GDL script'. I think it defaults to non-editable for some reason.
One last note: you will have to go through all these steps each time you have changed the design. This is another reason why I feel that custom prfoiles are vastly superior from a workload point of view. Editing a 2d cross-section/elevation is a lot less tedious.
Erwin Edel, Project Lead, Leloup Architecten
www.leloup.nlArchiCAD 9-26NED FULL
Windows 10 Pro
Adobe Design Premium CS5