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De-construction with archicad

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2)what is the best way to make de-construction project with archicad

with my best regards
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This is a very interesting question. I'm looking forward to read some good answer.

Is deconstruction possible in AC without making too much additional steps? The problem is I want to thing about WHAT SHOULD I DRAW, NOT HOW TO DRAW" I think, in dekonstruction would be the main occupation thinking "how to draw", maybe I'm wrong, lets here some good answers.

When can you say "that is the building which cannot be designed in AC"?
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hi nikola
i'm happy to hear that u are interesting

so,wich the best way to draw building like this?
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I must commit that I don't know how to design such a building, no one in Croatia has the money or interests to pay for that. I would never try it in archicad. I haven't tried out maxonform, so I cannot tell you about that. It would be possible to make in 3dmax, in that program you can design everything you can imagine. Its the best 3d program today (best for designing free forms and best renderer of all rendering, for architects not very pragmatic).
ayman wrote:
so,wich the best way to draw building like this?
currently . . . use of very basic walls, slabs and roofs combined with copious SEO'ing. ensure that all elements have the same sectional/construction fill and they'll clean up in section allowing you to generate useful clean sections from any point in the model.

once you've done this and understood the basic, single-skin, junctions you can start applying cladding with the use of accessory tools . . . or even convert some of the elements to composite structures.

you will need to look carefully at the skylight objects to see what you can achieve with them - you may even have to write your own skylight objects that resemble the kind of doors and windows you may or may not need in your sloped walls . . .

anything's possible, but if that doesn't work for you, there's always catia.

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