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Graphisoft Collection Libraries on GDLCentral

Tibor Szolnoki
Dear Archi-Talkers,

Graphisoft has uploaded the "Construction Equipment" and the "Garden Works" libraries on GDLCentral website. The "Building Textures" and the "Street and Traffic" libraries will also be available soon for free download.

The original version of these libraries were released as part of the "Graphisoft Collection" series for ArchiCAD 5.0 and 6.5 versions. Now we have updated them for 8.1 to provide full compatibility with the latest ArchiCAD version. The following new features were introduced in the library parts:

- Web conform object names
- Graphisoft standard parameter names
- Parameters organized into hierarchy
- Correct subtype set for each object

Note: Since all the objects were renamed the updated library is not compatible with the original Graphisoft Collection library. The new version is made for ArchiCAD 8.1 and later releases.

To download the libraries please visit http://www.gdlcentral.com
Tibor Szolnoki

Product Manager
ArchiCAD Product Management
Tibor Szolnoki
Dear Archi-Talkers,

You have reported problems in the Garden Works Library with ArchiCAD 9 version. We have fixed these inconsistencies and uploaded the ArchiCAD 9 compatible version of the library on GDLCentral. The following changes were made:

- All library parts were saved in ArchiCAD 9 format
- ArchiBAM 3D error messages fixed
- Shininess of tree objects reduced to make them compatible with LightWorks rendering engine
- Brightness parameter added to tree objects
- Missing subtypes fixed

Please scroll down to the bottom of the Garden Works Library main page to download the updated library in compressed format.
Tibor Szolnoki

Product Manager
ArchiCAD Product Management
Karl Ottenstein
Tibor wrote:
We have fixed these inconsistencies and uploaded the ArchiCAD 9 compatible version of the library on GDLCentral.
Hi Tibor,

I downloaded and placed three objects on a slab to observe their shadow casting abilities, and have found a few problems.

First, the Simple_Tree_Rough_GWL (and its Simple BAM brethren, require materials for the trunk and folliage. I just manually defined a couple (alpha transparency for the folliage of course) from the textures included in the library ... and wonder if you might include an AAT file (or master script) with these materials for people to import, so that everyone doesn't have to set up the materials themselves?

Shadow-casting is the big problem. Here are the objects that I've placed:

Birch_GWL (ArchiBAM 3D) - shadow 'on'
PictBox_Bus2_GWL (PixBox BAM) - no shadow parameter
Simple_Tree_Rough_GWL (Simple BAM) - shadow 'on'

Internal Engine results (transparency enabled):
Birch and Simple_Tree cast (ugly) polygonal shadows (alpha ignored).
PictBox casts no shadow

Only shadow is from the Simple_Tree, and the alpha mask is paid attention to, casting proper shadows that match the texture image and not the polygon.
No shadow at all from the Birch (ArchiBAM 3D)!!

Seems like there are still some problems...?

These will be very useful when they work! 😉


AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Tibor Szolnoki
Hi Karl,

Let’s go through the problems one by one:
Simple_Tree_Rough_GWL (and its Simple BAM brethren), require materials for the trunk and foliage)…
I consider this a feature request more then a real bug…however I agree that it’s easier for the users to choose a material from a predefined list then creating new ones. I’ll make this change in the Simple BAM objects and upload the new library on GDLCentral soon.
PictBox_Bus2_GWL (PixBox BAM) - no shadow parameter
I’ll add a shadow parameter to each PictBox BAM object in the updated library.
Internal Engine results (transparency enabled):
Birch and Simple_Tree cast (ugly) polygonal shadows (alpha ignored).
The Internal AC Engine CAN’T cast alpha channel shadows neither in AC 9 nor in the previous versions.
Internal Engine results (transparency enabled):
PictBox casts no shadow
The PictBox BAM objects will cast “(ugly) polygonal shadows (alpha ignored)” with the Internal engine after the shadow parameter is added to the parameter list (see above). Naturally you can get rid of the shadows if you turn off the "Shadows" parameter.
Only shadow is from the Simple_Tree, and the alpha mask is paid attention to, casting proper shadows that match the texture image and not the polygon.
No shadow at all from the Birch (ArchiBAM 3D)!!
This is a bug in the ArchiCAD code. The problem will be fixed in the next ArchiCAD patch. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Tibor Szolnoki

Product Manager
ArchiCAD Product Management
Karl Ottenstein
Thanks, Tibor! 😉

AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Tibor Szolnoki

I've uploaded the updated Garden Works Library (for ArchiCAD 9) on GDLCentral. The following changes were made (based on your feedback):
- Shadow casting is turned on for all PictBox BAM objects.
- Default textures added to all Simple BAM objects. Note that this option is turned OFF by default because of compatibility reasons.

Tibor Szolnoki

Product Manager
ArchiCAD Product Management
Karl Ottenstein
AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Since we are in an asking mood: please pretty please add 2D drawing height-awareness to the Garden Library trees. So that you insert your trees showing on all stories, and as you go up only the ones that need to show will show.

I did that to mine starting the 2D script with
(I now notice that for the script to work correctly on sloping terrain the first subclause should also use SYMB_POS_Z and not GLOB_HSTORY_ELEV).

One other cool very simple thing I was thinking of doing some day is adding a fragment plan for the trunk only, to show when the story elev is higher than symb_pos_z but lower than symb_pos_z+trunk height, perhaps also showing the dotted overhead projection for the tree cup.
Not applicable
I have noticed that in the streets and traffic library\vehicles\hardtruck\MAtruck.gsm the part doesn't open in the 3D window in ArchiCAD 9 but it does open in previous versions.. Any ideas? In the streets and traffic library on GDLCentral the part is now called Truck_STL.gsm in the vehicles folder but it still only works under 8.1 not 9.