Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.
2004-06-03 03:33 PM
2004-11-05 06:06 PM
2004-11-05 08:27 PM
Tibor wrote:Hi Tibor,
We have fixed these inconsistencies and uploaded the ArchiCAD 9 compatible version of the library on GDLCentral.
2004-11-11 06:02 PM
Simple_Tree_Rough_GWL (and its Simple BAM brethren), require materials for the trunk and foliage)…I consider this a feature request more then a real bug…however I agree that it’s easier for the users to choose a material from a predefined list then creating new ones. I’ll make this change in the Simple BAM objects and upload the new library on GDLCentral soon.
PictBox_Bus2_GWL (PixBox BAM) - no shadow parameterI’ll add a shadow parameter to each PictBox BAM object in the updated library.
Internal Engine results (transparency enabled):The Internal AC Engine CAN’T cast alpha channel shadows neither in AC 9 nor in the previous versions.
Birch and Simple_Tree cast (ugly) polygonal shadows (alpha ignored).
Internal Engine results (transparency enabled):The PictBox BAM objects will cast “(ugly) polygonal shadows (alpha ignored)” with the Internal engine after the shadow parameter is added to the parameter list (see above). Naturally you can get rid of the shadows if you turn off the "Shadows" parameter.
PictBox casts no shadow
LightWorks:This is a bug in the ArchiCAD code. The problem will be fixed in the next ArchiCAD patch. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Only shadow is from the Simple_Tree, and the alpha mask is paid attention to, casting proper shadows that match the texture image and not the polygon.
No shadow at all from the Birch (ArchiBAM 3D)!!
2004-11-12 01:13 AM
2004-11-17 04:38 PM
2004-11-18 07:50 AM
2004-11-29 08:26 AM
2005-11-09 02:03 AM