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Graphisoft a No Show at Construct Canada?

Aaron Bourgoin
Looking at the list of Exhibitors for this Year's Construct Canada Show in Toronto. Dismayed to see that Graphisoft are not on the list. This is Canada's preeminent Building Networking Fest. Graphisoft! Why aren't you here?

signed 'dismayed'
Think Like a Spec Writer
AC4.55 through 27 / USA AC27-6000 USA
Rhino 8 Mac
MacOS 14.6.1
Aaron Bourgoin
I griped about this to our GSUS Sales Manager. He tells me they're going to IIDEX instead.
Think Like a Spec Writer
AC4.55 through 27 / USA AC27-6000 USA
Rhino 8 Mac
MacOS 14.6.1
That is dismaying. There will be thousands of architects and designers going through that conference. IIDEX is usually in the same building and is where they were before.

Unfortunately, their presence is really subpar. At the OAA conference, there was a table with two guys with laptops and a vinyl printed sign hanging over the front of the desk that said "Graphisoft." It was pathetic. Other companies (not BIM related) had huge screen TV with flashy presentations.

Can you imagine having to lean over and look at someone's laptop to get a demonstration of a BIM program? It was sad.
ArchiCAD 26; Windows 11; Intel i7-10700KF; 64GB RAM, GeForce GTX 3060