2005-04-28 03:25 AM
2005-04-28 03:49 AM
2005-04-28 04:57 AM
2005-04-28 07:08 AM
2005-04-28 07:19 AM
Aussie wrote:If you delete the operator you lose your operation don't you? The good thing about using SEO (over trimming to a roof, say) is that if you move your operator, the hole / cut moves too. Just keep that operator on a layer which is not visible. If you want you can "trim to roof" then delete the roof, but if you want to change it later you have to create your roof again, undo roof trim from wall, and re-trim to new roof.
you have a target element ( the wall) and an operator element ( a roof)
you can then subtract the operator from the target- hide or delete the operator and there is your sloping wall
2005-04-28 07:31 AM
2005-04-28 07:34 AM
2005-04-28 08:15 AM
Nuggy wrote:ooops means to say just hide the wall- got carried away
Yeah if I delete the operater (roof) the wall just goes back to normal...I just used trim to roof...it should be alright now.