If I am reading your previous statement correctly, I would believe complex profiles will actually *benefit* you more if the wall height changes. Because in (complex) Profile Manager, you can set your vertical stretch restrictions and if you adjust your wall height to be taller or shorter, the "text" will adjust proportionally. This may be complicated for a beginner, but there is a way to set your 3D text, then copy/paste/explode those elements into 2D in which you can use the magic wand to quickly infill the letter shapes with fills. As for variations of color, I believe you can select your fills and assign different materials to those. EDIT: Just tried this quickly myself and it appears that the material assignment was to the sides only.
Whereas if you had multiple elements of Text 3D and beams, you will have to select each one, adjust heights, and vertically relocate each one as well.
However, since you said it was a contest and time was of the essence, Text 3D and beams may have been quicker for a one time input only with no future modifications.
Just my two cents...HTH