You have made a complicated project for yourself. I understand that you want to show the sequence of assembling your project as individual building elements. This is more of a meticulous media management challenge than an ArchiCAD challenge. (And an ArchiCAD alliteration challenge, too!)
ArchiCAD is not designed to do directly this, because it substitutes many symbolic abstractions with no 3D presence for elements - like wall finishes....
You CAN model every element in the building. If a particular brick doesn't exist as a detailed element, you CAN create it as a Library object, complete with mortar gap and curing holes, say, from a slab. The book "Object Making" can help you. Does it come with ArchiCAD where you live? Then you stack the bricks.....
Each step of the building process can be shown, either as a construction simulation (never used it myself) or as a series of quickviews where layers gradually turn on to add more and more of the building into the view.
To make a simple element like a stair turn from concrete to having a wood finish, for example, you could make the stair twice on separate layers, one version would be concrete, and the other finished in wood. You would substitute the wooden one for the concrete one at the appropriate moment. Otherwise, for a stair, you'd simply model the wood finish as boards or whatever and turn that layer on when needed.
Dwight Atkinson