As I sit here just finishing up sending a set of drawings to plot having spent 40 minutes cleaning up the drawings so the will plot without the black fill bug I have just realized that somehow my auto referencing on all my sections and elevations is screwed up and all sections reference the same drawing and all elevations a different one. So once again I have a set going out that is not right.
Which leeds me to contemplate that I have been working on this project in AC10 for two months now and it is behind schedule and over budget and I have yet to have a clean set of plots go out. I am finding lots of bugaboos with this version that have turned into productivity killers. I am finding the internal plotting a time killer because I cannot work in the file while it is updating, the black fill bug is taking up time, misreferencing section cuts are now getting me, the Sun study bug lost me a couple of days. And without really being able to list other items I just have a general (and monetary) feeling that I have not achieved productive parity with AC9 and am strongly considering returning to it. It seemed like with AC9 I was more productive immediately.
Is anyone else experiencing this or am I just grouchy/loosing my touch?
Mac OS12.6 AC26 USA Silicon
M1 Macbook Pro