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Layout drawing title template

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Can anyone show me where in the menu is the Layout drawing title templates. I have searched all Guides and tutorials and couldn't find it. Thanks.
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Open Navigator, select Layout Book, and you will see
three or four Masters provided by Graphisoft as examples.
Peter Devlin
Not applicable
It occurs to me that I might have misunderstood
what you are looking for.
I thought you were looking for a title block.
You may have been looking for drawing titles.
If so, they are enabled in the "Drawing Tool" settings dialog.
If you select one of the drawings you have placed in your layout,
go to the settings and go to the last turn-down tab called "Title",
you can select one of the title types.
Peter Devlin
Benjamin wrote:
Can anyone show me where in the menu is the Layout drawing title templates. I have searched all Guides and tutorials and couldn't find it. Thanks.
to add to peter's comments: titles are no longer based on graphical 'templates' - they are GDL objects. you can script your own or - if your GDL skills are as rubbish as mine - you can still draw them graphically and save as a special object type using the File>Libraries & Objects>Save As Title Type... command.

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
Yes and those titles won't position correctly or contain any parameters at all!

If this doesn't get fixed soon, I'm really afraid it may drive the market forces away from Graphisoft!!

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Hello Link,
They have some parameters, I just checked.
I also opened one of those objects
and they have many other parameters that are hidden.
I wonder whether some of those might be some of
the ones you would like.
Maybe you could un-hide those parameters and save
and see if they do anything useful for you.
Peter Devlin
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
Hmmm - mine were showing none at all, but this is a nice realization Peter. Thanks for pointing it out. Now custom and imported titles are starting to look like real ones.

Still seems a bit buggy though. Shouldn't the same parameters be available to us? As you've witnessed, my GDL skills aren't capable of producing it.

Thanks again.

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Hello Link,
You don't need to know GDL to un-hide parameters.
Just open the lib part using open by sub-type and select one
from the list inside the "title" sub-type.
In the parameter list at the far left there is an "X" icon. It looks
like an "X" made with a paint brush. Single click on the ones
in black that you want to un-hide.
Work on a copy of course.

I am looking at the image you posted and
you must have the INT version because I don't have
linear drawing title 10.
Where did you get "Links Mangy Title" ?
I don't have one that looks like that.

You say they "were" showing none. Are they now showing ?
What did you do to make them show some parameters ?

Peter Devlin
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
Link's Mongy Title is one that I created, please excuse the poor slang.

I was just trying to show that the titles we create or import do not have nearly the functionality that the standard ones do, no matter what AC version you're using. Even when we manually make their parameters visible (as you mentioned). It's like night and day.

It's good to know that they do make some parameters, but I still think they need a lot of improving to be usable. Maybe it's just me that gets these poor results. Do your custom made titles have the same kind of parameters that the ArchiCAD 10 ones do? I though it may have something to do with the subtypes, but it doesn't appear so.

Not applicable
Hello Link,
I have not tried to make my own title as a lib part
because our office does not title drawings this way.
We just type a name and draw a line under it.
The scale is noted in our title block for that sheet.
Peter Devlin