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Layout problems - version 11

Barry Kelly
Does anyone else out there add project views to their masters for layout purposes?

We have a title block that is one object but consists of various versions that we can use on any type of plan we want.
The idea is with one titleblock object we can fill in all the details necessary and update all variations of it at once.
The was created in the days before project info if anyone is wondering why we don't use that.

This title block is in its own section/elevation window and is saved as a view in the view map.
We place the view of this section/elevation into the master layout and crop it to show the type of title block information we need.
In fact we have a master layout for different page sizes with the different title blocks that we simply switch to as needed in the actual layouts.
Everything looks fine in the masters.

This has all worked perfectly up till now with the release of version 11.
It seems that in 11, the objects cropped off in the master show through into the layout when they are not supposed to (see attached image).
All that should be showing is the portion of the title block that is circled.
Other linework and text gets cropped of successfully, just objects show through regardless.
Even separate objects (not just the one title block object) show through and it doesn't matter if they are old or even new objects from the version 11 default library (the small baths you can see in the image are V11).

I know many of you out there would probably not have cropped views in your masters.
So would someone please like to try it to see if it is not just me or the Australian flavour of Archicad?

Just place a view of a plan in a master layout and crop it so that it only shows a portion (make sure the plan has objects that will be outside the cropped area).
Then create a layout that uses this master and see if the objects outside of the cropped area show through.

The odd thing is that although it looks bad on screen it seems to print as expected.

This has been reported to GS Australia and I am know waiting for them to hear back from GSHQ (might not hold my breath though ).

I know there aer work arounds (create new title blocks, use project info, add white fill to the masters) but I really don't want to go down that track.
As a building company we build over 2000 homes a year - I'd hate to think how many we actually draw.
That together with our 100's of standard designs means a lot of work to update to V11.
I am hoping this will either just be a problem with me or a simple bug fix that will be solved soon.


One of the forum moderators.
Versions 6.5 to 27
i7-10700 @ 2.9Ghz, 32GB ram, GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB), Windows 10
Lenovo Thinkpad - i7-1270P 2.20 GHz, 32GB RAM, Nvidia T550, Windows 11
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
Hi Barry

AFAIK it is working the same as always. Master information no matter where it is placed, cropped view or not, should show in the layout. . I can't reproduce it. Are you sure it's not a layer issue? Maybe the layer of the drawing or the layer combination assigned to the view has changed? Maybe you could upload an example...

I've got to say that it seems there are much easier ways of doing what you're doing, and one in particular is not even a workaround. Simply create a master with each titleblock on it, on different layers. Then use layer control *within the layouting environment*, which can be set differently than the modeling environment, to use the titleblock you need to publish with.

Then you should be able to copy/paste that info or maybe even merge the master into other projects.

Barry Kelly
Link wrote:
Hi Barry

AFAIK it is working the same as always. Master information no matter where it is placed, cropped view or not, should show in the layout. . I can't reproduce it. Are you sure it's not a layer issue? Maybe the layer of the drawing or the layer combination assigned to the view has changed? Maybe you could upload an example...
The master info should show in the layout - but only the info that isn't cropped off.
A simple exercise.
Place a floor plan in a master and crop half of the drawing off.
Now use this master in a layout.
You will see half of the plans (walls, roofs, slabs, lines, etc.) but all of the objects.

I will try to attach a PLA as an example of what I am doing.
Link wrote:
I've got to say that it seems there are much easier ways of doing what you're doing, and one in particular is not even a workaround. Simply create a master with each titleblock on it, on different layers. Then use layer control *within the layouting environment*, which can be set differently than the modeling environment, to use the titleblock you need to publish with.

Then you should be able to copy/paste that info or maybe even merge the master into other projects.

The problem is that what you see is one object - not individual title blocks.
So they are all in the same layer.
The only way to show them individually is to crop the drawing frame.
We have been doing this since V6.5 with no problems at all.

Thanks for the reply.
One of the forum moderators.
Versions 6.5 to 27
i7-10700 @ 2.9Ghz, 32GB ram, GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB), Windows 10
Lenovo Thinkpad - i7-1270P 2.20 GHz, 32GB RAM, Nvidia T550, Windows 11
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
You've definitely hit a bug there.

Glad to hear it's in GSAUS's capable hands.

Still think it would be easier to copy/paste this infor to your master and use layer control, but that's just me.

Good luck.

Barry Kelly
Link wrote:
You've definitely hit a bug there.

Glad to hear it's in GSAUS's capable hands.

Still think it would be easier to copy/paste this infor to your master and use layer control, but that's just me.

Good luck.

Thanks for checking it out Link.
The problem with copy/paste is you can't copy just part of an object.
All the title blocks are one object.
And with a copy the live link will be lost to the original.
No point exploding them because then we can't update for future revisions and creating separate objects will be a nightmare fore users to update them without possible errors.
Maybe I need to look at a new set of objects that gets the data from a text file or the project info.
As it is now, with the object placed on various masters and cropped as needed, we can update the object in the Archicad section and all layouts are instantly updated.
The user doesn't have to think about updating different objects or copy/pasting the right bits.
We've been doing this since V6.5 and have 70 users used to this method.
And with the number of current jobs and standards in our system I don't really want to go around changing things too much if it can be helped.

Hopefully GS will see this as a bug and fix it.
One of the forum moderators.
Versions 6.5 to 27
i7-10700 @ 2.9Ghz, 32GB ram, GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB), Windows 10
Lenovo Thinkpad - i7-1270P 2.20 GHz, 32GB RAM, Nvidia T550, Windows 11
Not applicable

I haven't had any such problems, also running AC11 970 AUS.

I did have a quick play with you PLA, and i think its something with the library object. Explode it and it displays on the layout as you would expect.
I didn't play with the object itself tho. Not sure why it was fine before.......

Good luck..
Barry Kelly
pgreen wrote:

I haven't had any such problems, also running AC11 970 AUS.

I did have a quick play with you PLA, and i think its something with the library object. Explode it and it displays on the layout as you would expect.
I didn't play with the object itself tho. Not sure why it was fine before.......

Good luck..
That's just the problem.
All object show through from the master into the layouts whether they are cropped or not.
Exploding into lines and text shows fine on the layouts because it is no longer an object - these all crop perfectly.
But of course that kills the ability to add future revisions to the title block.
I need to show just portions of this object as we have done in every version up until now.

The title block object itself is fine (I think).
This happens to any object created in any version.
The notes, bath and cutout size table on the right hand side of the diagram are all separate objects to the title block.
The bath is a version 11 object from the default Archicad library.
Still they all show through to the layouts.

One of the forum moderators.
Versions 6.5 to 27
i7-10700 @ 2.9Ghz, 32GB ram, GeForce RTX 2060 (6GB), Windows 10
Lenovo Thinkpad - i7-1270P 2.20 GHz, 32GB RAM, Nvidia T550, Windows 11
Stuart Atkinson
This is a bug as i have the same problem.
We work in a very similar manner to Barry.
Objects (not just our titleblock) show thru in the layout, even though they are outside the edges of the "cropped view" placed on the master.

Not applicable
This really seems to be a bug.
I've got the same problem - lines are cropped, but objects are visible.
In the master-layout it's all O.K.
Greg Kmethy
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
This bug is fixed in the build 1033 Hotfix, which is available now.

Gergely Kmethy
VP, Customer Success, Graphisoft