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Name for the new fill.

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I enter a name for the new fill (skin Composite Structures):
Polystyrene λ=0.035 W/(m∙K), δ=25 kg/m3
It is possible?

Hello Beart!

I can't find the greek letters as a choice in ArchiCADs Composite or Fill alternatives. What about using ThermCon as a shortcut for Thermal Conductivity instead of using the Lambda letter. In the same way, use Den for Density instead of the Rho letter.... just a suggestion...
Ingolf Sundfør, Bricklayer, Author of several Real Life Problem Solving Books for Archicaddicts in Norway.
PC/i7/W11/ArchiCAD 6.5-27
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No, unlike text that appears in dimensions or labels, the text in the fill name is part of Archicad's internal font. Users can't change AC's internal font.

Ingolf's suggestion is the way to go, whether ThermCon=0.035 or just L=0.035, after all, you know what that means. If you are working with a distributed team, then include a legend.

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Ingolf wrote:
Hello Beart!

I can't find the greek letters as a choice in ArchiCADs Composite or Fill alternatives. What about using ThermCon as a shortcut for Thermal Conductivity instead of using the Lambda letter. In the same way, use Den for Density instead of the Rho letter.... just a suggestion...
I've got a greek letters but it doesn't help me to resolve a problem. Thank you Ingolf for your useful hints, but neither advice suited me.

P.S. Does Greek users ArchiCad,have the same problem, I wonder?

Thank you snapcrackle.
Not applicable
Beart said:
...neither advice suited me.
When I said No, that was not advice, it is a fact. Your question is not about letters or text, it is about font. The letter "L" in Symbol font is Lamba, the letter "L" in Arial, Cooper Black, Times Roman, etc, is just plain old L. Users can NOT change the font in Archicad's built in messages, menu titles, pet palettes, toolbars, etc.

PS You might have better luck in the developers forum. they can play with Archicad's internal structure, average users can not.