First of all, I'm sorry if you can't understand any of the following. Your English is much better than my Czech!
It looks like you are trying to place a drawing on a Master sheet. These are meant to be used for defining a paper size and attaching a titleblock to. This can then be applied to any layout which will adopt the paper size and will display the titleblock in the background. You should add drawings only to the layouts.
Create a new layout in the layout book, then in the layout settings select the correct master you want to use. Place your drawings to the correct scale from the 'view map' not the 'project map' otherwise they wont have the correct pen set, scale, layer combination etc. predefined. The drawing will now print correctly at the right scale.
I hope that's clear!
Have a look in the reference guide for a more comprehensive description of the correct way to use the 'project map', the 'view map', the 'layout book' and 'masters'.