About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

Seclect all within marquee

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I'd like to select and edit the area exactly within the rectangle marquee.
But the selcted elements always extend to the whole element beyond the marquee. So what does "select all WITHIN marquee" meAN?

Can anyone help me with this?
Not applicable
If you only want to select things within the marquee and not the things over lapping it you need to change the first icon (selection settings) on the info pallet when in the arrow tool to the second icon. Make sure you have grouping off.

Is this what you are trying to do?

Not applicable
Hi Julia,
Thanks for your reply. This is what I happens:

I have a rectangle in walls. I only want the left upper corner of the wall trim off .

I go to ARROW at top of tools, select the second marquee icon (the one showing 3 nodes of an triangle within the marquee).

I go to the marquee tool, draw the marquee enclosing the upper left corner of the rectangle wall.

I go to EDIT and select SELECT ALL IN MARQUEE.
Not applicable
Sorry, the last mail was sent prematurely. This is the continuation:

I go to EDIT>CUT.

The entire left side and top side of the retangle walls are cut, leaving only a two sided retangle.

Is this right? Or I am missing something?


Mac X.3.4, G5 Dual 1.8, AC8.1
The marquee doesn't split elements in 2D as it does in 3D - you need to do that using the split command.

Fastest way is to apply a fill and use the edges to define the split location.
Dwight Atkinson
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The extra information makes a lot more sense. Learn to love the split command, it is very useful.
