My typical workflow starts by hand sketching in plan and working in 3D with SU side-by-side. Once I have the plan, massing, and forms worked out, I switch over to AC. I love the speed that I can work in with SU--not quite as fast as hand sketching in 3D, but much more powerful and therefor speedy in the long run. I have never seen the benefit of a conduit from SU to AC. I work to the nearest foot (or so) in SU and to 1/16" in AC. SU can be sloppy like hand sketching--that's what makes it so efficient to work with. Converting a sloppy SU model to a precision AC model takes more time than simply creating the AC model from scratch, and wasting the time to create a precision SU model defeats my reason for using SU. Can anyone share experiences of benefiting from SU to AC conversion?
Dave Jochum
J o c h u m A R C H I T E C T S http://www.jochumarchitects.comMBP 16" (M1 Max) 64 GB•OS 15.3•AC 28 Silicon (latest build)