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Solid element operation?

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I'm trying out Solid Elements Operation. But it doesn't work as I expect.
I've made an Extrusion-element with Archiforma and a bend-element with Archiforma. Then I select them as target and object in Solid Elements Operation. The object element is placed on top of the target element, and cuts through it. The task is subtraction with upwards extrusion. I expect that the part of the target element higher up (z-diection) than the object elemnet should disappear. But nothing of the target element disappears in the operation.
Please help!
I tried to post the project file showing the problem, but it is too large.
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Are both the elements solid? Could one or the other be a surface model? You could test this by running a section line through the two elements, and checking for a cut surface fill.
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I tried to do as you told me. And, I didn't see any cut fill even if I put it on in the elements settings dialogue. But, I manage to get the result I expect when I use elements from AC like wall with complex profile and a slab. Then the part of the underlaying slab disappears with this operation as I expect. So the ArchiForma elements are not solid elements? Now I learned something new. 🙂
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I don't know the Archiforma objects, but if one of the elements is not solid then that would explain why you can't get the SEOs to work.

Have you checked with Cigraph?
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No. I didn't check with Cigraph. But, it seem like they are not solid elements according to the test I did (as you told me). So, I just accept it.
Ralph Wessel
Anne wrote:
But, it seem like they are not solid elements according to the test I did (as you told me). So, I just accept it.
If you want to make solid extruded/curved profiles, take a look at OBJECTiVE. The profiles are always solid no matter what operations you perform on them, so they work with SEOs (see the attached image). There are bugs in SEOs though, especially upward/downward extrusion. Even an upward SEO with a roof vs a wall sometimes does the wrong thing, and moving/stretching the operator a few millimetres sometimes makes it work.
Ralph Wessel BArch
Active Thread Ltd
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Thanks. I will take a look at it, when I have time.
Fabrizio Diodati
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
Please send me your file (not a PLA but a PLN),

the elements generated by ArchiForma are solid elements (only the COONS surface elements are not solid) so they should work.

Fabrizio Diodati
Graphisoft Italy Srl | Via Rossignago 2/A Spinea Venezia 30038 Italy