About Archicad's design tools, element connections, modeling concepts, etc.

StairBuilder 3 from CadImage

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Anyone using StairBuilder 3 from CadImage that would like to comment on the product? I'm about to purchase and would like to get a quick opinion or two.


Mark Hendricks
Seiss Wagner

I used StairBuilder from Theometric before it was purchased by Cadimage and found it vastly superior to the stair builder in ArchiCAD. Having said that, I should also tell you that I upgraded DoorWindow builder, also a previous Theometric product, from Cadimage in the beginning of January. After upgrading, DoorWindow builder crashed ArchiCAD each and every time I entered a value into the objects height dialog. I emailed Cadimage three or four times over several weeks and never received a reply.

Because I had no backup copy of the previous version of DoorWindow builder I was forced to use Graphisoft's door window objects found in the new Special Edition library and found them to pretty flexible, the only bug being that I was not able to make a dry wall return to the jamb without faking the jamb extension dialog by entering a very tiny value just above zero.

I would suggest that you take a look at the ArchiStair plug-in by Cigraph. They seem to be a very reputable company of componet software. I have not yet used ArchiStair, however, I will shortly, on the current project I just spoke of.
ArchiCad 21 / OS X 10.13.5 /
iMac 3.2GHz i5 - 32GB /AMD Radeon R9 M390 - 2048 MB/
Dual 5K - 27" Displays
Rakela Raul
a friend not in this forum uses stair builder version dont know from cadimage or the old owner and according to him , the archistair from cigraph is not a match for stair builder.
MACBKPro /32GiG / 240SSD
AC V6 to V18 - RVT V11 to V16
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I haven't used the CadImage Stairbuilder but I do have the Cigraph ArchiStair product. This is alot more flexible than the out of the can graphisoft stair tool and can produce very competent typical carpentry stairs. Anything really architectural like exposed steel stringers with folded timber treads and risers will challenge it. You really have to look at what you are going to produce with the tool.

Incidentally I do have the CadImage Door & Window builder and I find the a very useful object and in fact it is the only door and window object I use, it is that good. If the CadImage Stairmaker is anything like D&W it should be very good also. One comment I have to make though is that the interface can be quite daunting, so many options, the interface in the Cigraph product is very simple, large and colourful and takes no time to figure out.

To Seiss Wagner, I too went from an old version of D&W from Theometric to the latest (v3.5 r15 for PC) from CadImage and everything is fine, it has never caused a crash or lock up. I'm sorry to hear you haven't heard from them. They are my local supplier based here in Auckland NZ and they are very helpful. When did you send your e-mail, downunder we usually have a long break from Christmas to the middle of January for the summer holidays. I know they are back now, try contacting Campbell Yule directly,
Seiss Wagner

My upgrade version is (v3.5 r15b Mac) yours is for the PC, that maybe the difference. I checked my emails "sent" and I emailed cadimage support on Jan 6 and agian on Jan 21. Having not received a reply from support, I emailed Cambell on Jan 24. Still no reply. However, on your advice, I will attempt to email Cambell once again as he has always been responsive in the past. I first began using DoorWindow builder with version 2.01 and have always liked it.

I also like StairBuilder. Having never used ArchiStair, I would like to stay with StairBuilder, but I worry about meeting project deadlines if I can't get support.
ArchiCad 21 / OS X 10.13.5 /
iMac 3.2GHz i5 - 32GB /AMD Radeon R9 M390 - 2048 MB/
Dual 5K - 27" Displays
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I just called Campbell (local call) and talked to him personally. He did receive your e-mails and forwarded them onto the author of the D&Wbuilder to investigate, apparently the problem has popped up before with other users. He apologises for the lack of feedback and has told me that he will look into your case personally, so I'd expect a reply soon. He couldn't tell me they had a fix, lets hope so, I know what deadlines are like and when the computer crashes it drives you insane <profanities galore>.
Seiss Wagner

Thanks for the help, and yes, I did just receive an email from Campbell and shortly thereafter from Joshua, with a new file. Unfortunately, after re-installing DoorWindow Builder it crashed the system as before. I hope the bug will be found soon and the problem resolved.
ArchiCad 21 / OS X 10.13.5 /
iMac 3.2GHz i5 - 32GB /AMD Radeon R9 M390 - 2048 MB/
Dual 5K - 27" Displays
Not applicable

I did forward with the purchase of Stair Builder however, I am disappointed with the product. While there are more railing and newel style choices I find they do not clean up well at all. When tied into a "U" shaped landing., stringers will not plumb cut properly either. Also. I could not find a way to turn the rails of on various segments (unless I missed something in my 8 hour session of trying out each tool individually and check the results in 3-D) The documentation was sparse in the PDF manual. I hope I haven't wasted $149.00. ArchiStair offers a demo of their product so here I go again!!


Mark Hendricks

PS. The I also purchased the Rapid Detailer and Accessory Pack which perform very well
Haneef Tayob
What I like about Stairbuilder is that its an editable gdl object and not a plug in, which means I could use it in future versions of archicad (provided the crashing problem you mention is sorted out) without being forced to upgrade. I'm not sure if they're linking their product to a hardware lock (the one I'm using is not linked to any hardware lock). If they are, then this point of not relying on updates won't apply.

I haven't used Archistair, but have always heard of them being reputable, so in fairness, there shouldn't be a major problem with support and upgrades on the Cigraph product.

As mentioned often, both products are however superior to the built in stairmaker.
Haneef Tayob
Aziz Tayob Architects
AC23 INT rel 3003, OS X 10.14.6 iMac 3.3ghz i5 dual monitor, 24GB RAM
Not applicable
Has anyone else got experience of using Stair Builder 3 particularly for traditional timber stairs with newel posts, winders etc. I have tried ArchiStair but it is not written around timber stair construction.

I want to be able to produce stairs similar to the attched manufacturer's drawing.