Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.
2009-09-02 07:34 PM
2009-09-05 03:11 PM
Rob wrote:Haha square peg, round hole is a very good description. Many of the products the ribbon has been applied to only share the common feature of having been bought by Autodesk.
Ribbon interface tries to fit a square peg into a round hole when used in applications other than it has originated from mate. This is a typical approach of corporate dinosaurs (which MS and ACAD are) to cheaply apply a blanket policy on anything that remotely shares at least one common feature - unfortunately the only common feature of MS Word and particular CAD software is that they suffer from being run on Win.
2009-09-05 03:21 PM
Rob wrote:Exactly ... competition will only make both stronger.
So I am not sure if we should really bring ADesk to its knees, on the contrary...
2009-09-05 11:27 PM
ares997 wrote:I don't understand your use of the word "kids." Is it meant to imply some sort of close personal friendship with GS programmers in Budapest? Are we supposed to know who you are, that you can alternate between condescention, familiarity and adoration regarding the programming staff and their work output?
This forum is brought to you by the kids in Budapest [...] If you don't want to tell a couple people about your excitment or trepidation it's ok there are kids waiting to replace you.
Live long and prosper Graphisoft. I got your back.
2009-09-06 12:06 AM
Rob wrote:Right. Is there a very particular part you're really, really [etc.], hoping I was kidding about? I was not kidding; rather maybe just misinformed. Sorry to dash your hopes, if not your expectations. On the other hand, I do not particularly disagree with you either (except for the really, really [etc.] stuff). I didn't mean to convey the impression that I was a ribbon menu defender. Oh, that's right, I didn't defend them.If it's to be aDidrik,Windowsapplication, which was advertised in past decades, then GS may have to follow the ribbon metaphor / organization. However, it might allow users to preserve previous screen/menu layouts and succeed where others may fail. Preserving some valuable things from the past seems to be sxomething that GS has supported, via WEP and flexible shortcuts.
I really really really hope you are just kidding here... :shock:
Ribbon interface tries to fit a square peg into a round hole when used in applications other than it has originated from mate. This is a typical approach of corporate dinosaurs (which MS and ACAD are) to cheaply apply a blanket policy on anything that remotely shares at least one common feature - unfortunately the only common feature of MS Word and particular CAD software is that they suffer from being run on Win.
2009-09-06 12:26 AM
2009-09-06 01:32 AM
3. yes right we need more resources dedicated to three (or perhaps you would suggest more) different UIsRight. Is there a very particular part you're really, really [etc.], hoping I was kidding about?
Well I wished to be polite - ok then frankly - your suggestion is just silly.
1. AC is Mac/Win application and that obliges developers to keep consistency in AC workflow and UI on both platforms at the same time. Now you are suggesting that AC should have a optional Ribbon Interface so it could be good then to have all flavours of OSX as an option and hey what about X-Window UI on Linux... just in case you'd have some Linux converts working with AC.
2.Ribbon Interface was a blunder for Revit.... hello any lessons learnt?
GS might have to make some concessions to that interface in order to be considered a "Windows app" -- meaning that once a person knows the Windows interface, one generally has a leg up on applications running in that environment.
2009-09-06 01:54 AM
ares997 wrote:
... share your experience and spread the knowledge you have gained about Archicad 13 to those who don't fully realize what is coming.
2009-09-06 01:55 AM
ares997 wrote:I appreciate your enthusiasm and passion, and its expression. Perhaps what bugs me is that you seem to have just arrived at, and announce, these conclusions -- the need for strategies, plans, announcements, and so -- as though no one has been thinking of the same questions for quite some time; as though no one has been
In summary it is important to share your experience and spread the knowledge you have gained about Archicad 13 to those who don't fully realize what is coming.
ares997 wrote:Can you say anything as to why
I am amazed at what Viktor and Akos have accomplished with ac13, and they have that child like curiousty, spirit and ethusiasum [...]
2009-09-06 07:46 AM
2009-09-06 09:18 AM